

Just when we thought Covid had given us enough to deal with in Australia, up pops never seen before floods in northern NSW and Queensland, and on the world front, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. I’m still unsure of how to process the war and explaining it to children is a mind field. Tips anyone?

What I am clear on though is that nurturing our mind, body and soul is still a powerful way to feel connected to ourselves, our families and our community. 

My plant-based journey continues to evolve and I’m still as passionate it about it as when I first started. Why the word journey? Well that is exactly how I feel about changing my eating habits. I’m still navigating living in a smallish town, where plant-based options are growing but still limited in certain areas. Think supermarket, dining out and living amongst some of the worlds best sheep farmers, well it makes for interesting conversation. A gorgeous man I sat beside at a dinner last week, asked me what was on my plate. I replied with, “cous cous salad” and he replied with “my chooks would enjoy that”. They probably would have, but I did too! 

Exercise still plays an important part of my life and my families. I find it meditative and extremely important for my mental health. I don’t have to negotiate with myself on fitting it in to my lifestyle, because it’s just part of my lifestyle. 

Creating our individual health journeys is about more than just movement. To me it is about feeling happy in our minds, nourishing our souls through food and connection and taking time to tend to the “things” in life that make us happy. 

I’m incredibly grateful to have moved to a plant based lifestyle. I feel happy and nourished whilst still working through some gut issues that have plagued me the majority of my adult life. What I have learnt through this lifestyle though, is what a great impact I can have on the planet and just how many people are interested in plant based meals.

Wherever you are and how ever you are eating, may linking arms through health, wellness and the new age of pandemics remind us to be kind, empowered and respectful to each other and the earth. 
